It's around the corner: save the date of my defense 2021-10-22
So I finally deposited my Thesis, titled: "Predicting individual differences from resting-state fMRI temporal dynamics: a machine-learning based investigation into the neural bases of intelligence and other traits".
The defense will be held on 17th November 2021, 12pm BRT (3pm UTC, 4pm CET, 10am EST). I will count on Dr. Nicolas Langer (University of Zurich), Dr. Denis-Alexander Engemann (Parietal – INRIA) and Dr. Ma Feilong (Dartmouth College) to bring interesting topics to discuss and reflect about the work. My advisor, Dr. Carlos E. G. Salmon, will preside over the session.
Part of this Thesis has already been published as:
A deep learning based approach identifies regions more relevant than resting-state networks to the prediction of general intelligence from resting-state fMRI, Human Brain Mapping, 2021-09-29
Other two studies compose it, in different phases of completion, including a preprint.
Hope to see you there!