PhD thesis defense done! 2021-11-20
Finally defended my Thesis, titled: "Predicting individual differences from resting-state fMRI temporal dynamics: a machine-learning based investigation into the neural bases of intelligence and other traits", on November 17, 2021.
Thank you very much to committee members, Dr. Nicolas Langer (University of Zurich), Dr. Denis-Alexander Engemann (Parietal – INRIA) and Dr. Ma Feilong (Dartmouth College) for the very interesting discussion and reflections on the results presented in the thesis, and my advisor, Dr. Carlos E. G. Salmon, who presided over the session and provided invaluable support throughout my scientific career, comprising almost 10 years of collaboration and friendship.
You have my gratitude!
PS. The thesis should be online soon, I'll update the post when it happens.