
A multimodal neural signature of face processing in autism within the fusiform gyrus

D. L. Floris, A. Llera, M. Zabihi, et al., Nature Mental Health, 2025-01-02
Open Access 10.1038/s44220-024-00349-4


Atypical face processing is commonly reported in autism. Its neural correlates have been explored extensively across single neuroimaging modalities within key regions of the face processing network, such as the fusiform gyrus (FFG). Nonetheless, it is poorly understood how variation in brain anatomy and function jointly impacts face processing and social functioning. Here we leveraged a large multimodal sample to study the cross-modal signature of face processing within the FFG across four imaging modalities (structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging, task-functional magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalography) in 204 autistic and nonautistic individuals aged 7-30 years (case-control design). We combined two methodological innovations—normative modeling and linked independent component analysis—to integrate individual-level deviations across modalities and assessed how multimodal components differentiated groups and informed social functioning in autism. Groups differed significantly in a multimodal component driven by bilateral resting-state functional MRI, bilateral structure, right task-functional MRI and left electroencephalography loadings in face-selective and retinotopic FFG. Multimodal components outperformed unimodal ones in differentiating groups. In autistic individuals, multimodal components were associated with cognitive and clinical features linked to social, but not nonsocial, functioning. These findings underscore the importance of elucidating multimodal neural associations of social functioning in autism, offering potential for the identification of mechanistic and prognostic biomarkers.